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Phase 3/P3: What is a Steak Day & Steak Day Alternatives (and when do I do one?)

Steak day


 (and when do I do one?)

A “Steak Day” is done only during Phase 3/P3 (Stabilization/Maintenance Phase) of the hCG diet. It IS NEVER done during Phase 2/P2 (hCG Injection Phase). It is also called a “Correction Day”. Phase 3/P3 is the Phase when you are not doing the hCG injections anymore and are keeping your weight within 2 lbs of your LDW (Lowest Final Daily P2 Weight, in last 3 days of Phase 2). Many people also will use the Steak Day correction day options during Phase 4/P4, whenever they wish to drop a few pounds back to their maintenance (Phase 3/P3) weight.

DO NOT confuse a “Steak Day” with an “Apple Day” or a “Mini Steak Day”. An “Apple Day” and a “Mini-Steak Day” are done only during Phase 2/P2 (Weight Loss Phase), when you are taking the hCG injections. An Apple Day is used to break through a weight loss stall or plateau during Phase 2/P2. A regular Phase 3/P3 Steak Day is NEVER done during Phase 2/P2 of the hCG diet. It would be way over your Phase 2/P2 daily allowance of 500 calories. You can only do a “Mini-Steak Day” during Phase 2/P2.

When do you do a Steak Day? When on Phase 3/P3, the day you weigh yourself in the morning and see that you have gone above 2 pounds over your LDW (Lowest Final Daily P2 Weight, in last 3 days of Phase 2). Not right at 2 pounds over, but 2+ pounds over. OR, when you are in Phase 4/P4 and you wish to drop your weight down 2-3 pounds.

How do you do a Steak Day?

  • Do not eat anything during the day.
  • Drink as much water all day as you can. You may have tea and coffee, but favor water. Don’t use milk, cream or sugar-sweetened water/tea/coffee
  • For dinner have a huge steak. You may also have 1 apple or 1 raw tomato with your steak (it helps with digestion), but optional. (How big is a “huge” steak? HUGE! Dr Simeons never specified a weight, just “huge.”)
    Note: You should never do 2 steak days in a row. If you do not drop your weight with the steak day, it is recommended to do a modified mini-protocol day (see below).


If you’re still above your LDW, then consider:

1) doing a day or two of the mini-protocol (see below), then, if necessary,
2) another Steak Day 4 days later.
3) Repeat as necessary.

Don’t fast as a Steak Day Alternative. That’s a cheap trick and your body will protect you from this forced starvation by storing away extra weight and you will not drop any weight.


What are alternatives for the Phase 3/P3 steak day? Some people don’t eat beef. Some people are vegetarians. But don’t worry! There are many other alternatives for a steak day in the hCG Weight Loss Protocol Phase 3/P3. They include:

– High Protein Day
– Egg Day
– Shake Day
– Full Fat Fage Greek Yogurt Day
– Steak Day Pudding Day
– Steak Day Meat Variation Day
– Chicken Thigh Day
– Chicken Day
– Fat Fast Day
– Apple/Cheese Day
– Hybrid Steak Day

All of these are great alternatives to a steak day. When you have entered into Phase 3/P3 of the diet you are in a maintenance phase. You will remain consistent with daily weigh-ins to keep track of any potential weight fluctuations.


Simply substitute the amount of protein per serving in the examples below for your protein serving of your selected source (most likely pea protein, cottage cheese, boca burger, etc. — try to vary your protein sources to the degree that you can). Do not eat beans (they are very high carb and high calorie).


The following alternate correction day options have been regularly reported to achieve losses of 2-4 pounds. All have enough calories to use in P3, although only the steak day and high protein day are on protocol. With all of these, drink lots of water and other liquids during the day as well. Be aware that if you choose a variation that contains something you are sensitive to, the correction day may not work or you could even gain. Some people discover their food sensitivities on these variations. One person gained 2 pounds on a Egg Day (found out they were sensitive to eggs). So they learned eggs were not a good choice for them.


Do the protocol steak day as otherwise written, but instead of a steak use a roast of pork, beef or lamb, short ribs, pot roast, fatty ground beef, salmon, or dark meat chicken. Extra fat in the form of coconut oil, olive oil, butter and bacon can be added if you don’t feel the meat is fatty enough.


Bake chicken thighs with the skin on and eat till satisfied whenever hungry all day.


Eat a whole 3-5 pound roasted chicken throughout the day. This is a really easy one, as you can get a cooked rotisserie chicken at most grocery stores.


Start at noon. Eat a quart (32 oz) of Fage Full Fat (FFF) plain greek yogurt (you can use stevia or monk fruit sweetener) plus 8 oz berries (total) eaten throughout the day can give as good a result as a steak day. If you can’t get full fat greek yogurt in your area, you can create it by adding 3/4 C. heavy cream to your quart of low or non-fat greek yogurt. If you are sick of berries by the end of the day or have used up your quota, you can mix some coco powder into the greek yogurt instead.


Eat nothing but egg dishes as your food selections for the day. Eggs can be boiled, poached, omelet, fried, deviled eggs, etc.
Eat up to a dozen eggs throughout the day. It’s all good. You can add a little mayonnaise, butter, cheese, salsa (with no sugar), and sugar free relish.


Eat every two hours or so at around 200 calories and stay above 80% fat at each mini-meal. Good choices are macadamia nuts, cream cheese bombs, lemon truffles or cocoa crack, avocado, mayo, butter, bacon, heavy cream. This is inspired by the Atkins Fat Fast which is recommended as a 3-day plan. As an HCG correction day, you would only do this for one day, as it is considered too low in protein to do for a longer time.
A variation of Fat Fast day is Nut day, which follows the same “dosing” rules, but each meal is made up of only nuts.


Eat 2 apples + 2 ounces of cheese at each of 3 meals for a total of 6 apples and 6 ounces cheese. Size and variety of apple does not matter. Choose any cheese you like or mix it up. You can also divide this to 6 meals.


Follow the same directions as for the protocol steak day, except you have either a protein shake or a cup of greek yogurt with 1/2 C berries for breakfast.


A high protein day is highly effective in helping you maintain your weight; you can drop one to three pounds in a 24 hour period. It is recommended when on a high protein day that you eat foods containing protein every two to three hours. If Vegan, just choose any of the proteins that are allowed on Phase 2/P2 Protein list. Meat proteins allowed are the same proteins that are allowed on the Phase 2/P2 hCG Protein list. Eat protein all day with some veggies if you want, NO FRUIT, and moderate to high fat depending upon your body’s preference.

Any vegetables that are approved during the phase two of the HCG dieting plan are also approved during a high protein day, but you will want to skip eating any fresh fruit. You can also make your high protein day an “egg day” where you eat nothing but egg dishes as your food selections for the day.

A “High Protein Day” is good for those who have hypoglycemic issues and cannot go without food all day.

Some HCG dieters actually prefer a high protein day to a steak day when on the HCG dieting plan. On a high protein day you can consume more foods and eat throughout the day, while drinking your water. Throughout the day you can then eat or snack on high protein foods that are on the accepted food list for the hCG plan. When it comes time for lunch you can eat a high fiber, low fat salad and you can consume grilled chicken breast. When supper time rolls around you can eat another salad and a small piece of steak.
There are other high protein foods you can eat on a high protein day in the HCG diet Phase 3 maintenance period. You can have as many as three eggs with bacon for your breakfast and you can substitute the lunch salad with three hard bold eggs to go along with your grilled chicken selection. If you want a heartier breakfast, you can opt for things like steak, lean beef or turkey and supplement it with a few eggs: this will give you 200 to 300 percent of your necessary, daily protein intake. What’s more, you can add meets like Elk, Ostrich, or Turkey burgers to your selections.
Some hCG dieters who are not vegan actually prefer a high protein day to a steak day when on the hCG dieting plan. So if you are vegan or not, these suggestions are great alternatives to the steak day while on your hcg diet plan.


On a Shake Day you drink protein shakes all day with no sugar added protein powder and cream.


Some people who are vegetarian substitute the steak with “Steak Day Pudding”. They will only eat dinner that day. Eat no food all day long. Just liquids. Eat the Steak Day Pudding for dinner.

Steak Day Pudding (Vegan Substitute for Steak Day)

4.5 scoops Protein Powder (Natural Flavor)
2 T Coconut Oil
1 Granny Smith Apple (half diced)
2 t Konjac Flour
8 droppers full Stevia
2 t Cinnamon
1 t Ginger
2 C Water
1/2 bag Miracle Noodles

Put diced apple and Miracle Noodles (preferably a style like Orzo or something else with little chunks rather than long noodles, though that would work) into serving bowl.

Put remaining ingredients (starting with water) into blender and blend for 50 seconds. Pour pudding mixture into serving bowl and stir noodles & apple up to distribute evenly. This has a very nearly equivalent nutritional profile to a 12 oz filet mignon!

Note: You may also create a Smoothie by modifying this recipe and simply eliminate the noodles and/or Konjac Flour.

This recipe should work as well as the steak, with a nutritional profile incredibly close to that of a 12 oz filet mignon!

Filet Mignon: cal: 575, fat: 30g, carb: 0, protein:71
‘Steak Day’ Pudding: cal: 594, fat: 27g, carb: 12, protein:72 (not including the apple)


Note: This is not intended to replace the “steak day” (when you exceed 2 lbs over LDW). It is only used to drop some weight when you are getting close to a required “steak day”. It will usually, bring your weight down a pound or so the next day.
* Drink plenty of water throughout the day (one half gallon+, 64+ oz).


* None (preferred) or, if you can’t skip breakfast:
* two whole eggs. (poached, steamed, hard boiled, basted)


Make a lettuce wrap or mix in chopped celery with either of:

* 1 can (5 oz./6oz.) of water packed tuna, OR
* 5 oz. chicken with Tsp mayo (optional)


* Large portion (10-20 oz.) of lean protein (avoid the fatty fish, like salmon)
* small salad (fits in a cereal bowl) with regular low sugar dressing (optional)


* No starches (breads, crackers, etc.).
* No fruit.
* You can still use natural spices and such!


– This applies to Alternate Steaks Days too!

• It is fine to add cream to your coffee throughout the day. (Unless you are dairy sensitive!) It doesn’t appear to affect losses and helps keep you satisfied while waiting to eat that big steak.
• Pick the fattiest, most highly marbled cut you can find. The fattier the better.
• Add butter, olive oil or coconut oil to your steak or protein or make some coco-crack and have a bite or two for dessert after eating your steak.
• Don’t be afraid to sub a pot roast or some other fatty meat or even salmon for the steak. They seem to work the same.



• Get plenty of water, but don’t overdo it. A half gallon is usually sufficient.
• Take some extra magnesium to help move waste out of your system. If you don’t have it in supplement form, an Epsom salts bath is a good substitute.
• Do drink tea or lemon water throughout the day it helps you body release extra water your cells are holding. Dandelion tea helps your liver detox and it is also a natural diuretic.
• Do something de-stressing during the day: a refreshing walk, stretching, meditation, massage, soaking in a hot bath are all activities that will help your body release some weight.
• Get a good night’s sleep! Sleep is very important to the body’s digestive and detoxing rhythms.
Everyone’s body can react differently to these methods, so try any that sound appealing to you, but move on to another if your body doesn’t respond well. Even if an experiment disappoints, we can always learn something from it that will get us closer to the best way to keep our weight loss results.
DO NOT FAST as a Steak Day Alternative. That’s a cheap trick and your body will protect you from this forced starvation by storing away extra weight.



A steak day is recommended when the scale has increased 2+ pounds over your LDW (Lowest Final Daily P2 weight, in last 3 days of Phase 2). Not 2 pounds. 2+ pounds. It is important to note, that even if you are following the hCG Diet protocol perfectly, you can still have a gain in water weight or experience inflammation that can increase those numbers on the scale. No matter the reason for the gain, the steak day is the remedy.


At least 4 days must pass before a second steak day can be done. If 4 days has not passed, but the first steak day has not dropped the scale below the 2 pound gain, a high protein day can help. Or do a P3 Mini Protocol Day. Another option is to continue with a regular Phase 3 protocol, while avoiding any “iffy” foods. This will often allow you to avoid another steak day. It is not advised to do 2 steak days in a row, as that puts too much stress on your body.


An Hcg Diet steak day is an amazing tool in the stabilization process. It’s purpose is to give your body a reset to your new set point weight. How does it work? After a period of relative fasting, your body is in a mode where the benefits of the steak, apple or tomato can be maximized. Water retention from inflammation, excess salt or hormonal shifts can be cleared quickly using this technique. The intermittent fasting aspect of the steak day can also give a further boost to your metabolism.
The natural diuretic effect of the proteins in the steak cause your body to release water. Extra water is being stored and is hard to budge without a nudge like a big, juicy steak after a period of relative fasting. This technique flushes out that water after only one day. How good is that going to feel?


The apple or tomato provide some fiber to help the steak digest and also help to clear your body of any toxins that have been building up during the day. Their natural antioxidants and minerals will help neutralize the nasty stuff in your blood and help it flush out with the excess water the steak is helping you get rid of.

Apples and tomatoes contain lots of minerals and vitamins your body needs. Good eating is more than not consuming bad things. Your body has to have a regular input of essential nutrients. These help you maintain weight as your body is functioning healthily and not being forced into survival mode from the lack of nutrients. You’ll feel really good for it too. There’s nothing as refreshing as an apple or tomato when you’re famished. It’s all part of the intelligent design of the Hcg Diet Plan.
If this is only day one or two of a gain, don’t worry! The steak day is your remedy. Your body needs a good supply of healthy fat, that’s part of the healthy diet and body we’re aiming you towards, so the big juicy steak on Steak Day provides you with what you need in the right way.


Fat isn’t bad, just remember that you need the right amount of the right fats. You’ve lost so much fat with the Hcg diet that a daily intake of the healthy fats allowed in P3 and in the Steak Day are critical to your success. On a steak day, you get the benefit of the excess water being flushed out while providing your body with the healthy fats, proteins and minerals it needs. If your steak is lean, you can add some additional healthy fat by cooking in butter or olive oil.
Your body needs the natural fats found in steak to maintain a healthy metabolism and weight. Don’t worry about taking on these fats as they are part of a healthy diet plan and will keep you healthy. It’s time to banish the fear of healthy fats. Embrace your Hcg Diet steak day and enjoy it! (Like you needed an excuse to eat steak anyway.


An Hcg Diet steak day can be something to really look forward to. In fact, your food volume in P3 increases so much over what you were eating in P2, that it often can be a relief to do a steak day. When you’re dieting you may get intense cravings, that’s part of the deal, so if you’re craving meat, which many of us do, a steak day can be wonderful. If you haven’t eaten much meat recently, your body will respond in an amazing way. Just watch to see how it feels when your body is digesting all that delicious protein and fat. It’s an incredible feeling.
One great way to look forward to that steak at the end of your day? Plan it! Find an Hcg Diet friendly steak recipe at Hcgdietinforecipes.com or allrecipes.com. Take your time and make something amazing that will be worth the wait.
If you are stressing… remember, all Hcg Diet challenges pass.

This weight bump challenge will pass, so relax. The Hcg diet has it built in because it is part of how the body loses and maintains weight. Weight loss isn’t a linear curve, it comes and goes, so don’t stress: what is happening is natural and part of the plan. That’s one of the reasons the Hcg system is so successful, it anticipates these little challenges and gives really effective tools and methods for dealing with them. The Hcg Diet Steak Day is one such effective method, giving your body a healthy detox, plenty of protein, minerals and fats to survive on, and something for you to enjoy. That sounds like a very sensible plan you can put your faith in, and a tool that can serve you well in maintenance.


Remember to drink plenty of water. At least 2 liters of water a day will help your body flush out the built-up toxins and the excess fat. A good supply of water is part of a healthy metabolism, a lot of problems are caused by not getting enough. Keep on top of your cleansing process and make sure you’ve got plenty of water to drink.


It is completely natural to be hesitant or nervous once you have decided to follow through with an hCG Diet steak day. If you are a bit anxious about it, here are a few helpful tips for making the best out of your big day:

Journal Your Hcg Diet Steak Day

A food journal is essential, it’ll give you a solid record of what foods might be causing the weight gain. It’s much easier to spot patterns in your weight loss and diet plan if you have it written down in front of you. So, every day make a note of what you’ve eaten and what you drank and you’ll be able to see clearly what, if anything, is causing the challenge, or what is the best food for avoiding it. A journal can help you take control of your diet and help you plan effectively for the future. If the gain is just a blip, then it’s just a blip. If you can correlate it with a certain food, you can adjust your Hcg plan to see whether that particular food was the problem.

hCG Diet Steak Day Buddy Support!

Talk about your hCG diet steak day for support. If you have a doctor, coach, or nutritionist at hand, that is an expert in protocol and well-aware of the hCG Diet steak day approach, that can be useful for clarification. If you can have them on-call and willing to help you, it’ll make life much easier. There is also nothing as good as having an “hCG Diet buddy” who you can discuss your issues with, so when a challenge comes along in your hCG Diet, you can talk to them and lighten the load. A problem shared is a problem halved, as they say. You’ll feel much more confident about getting past the challenge if there’s someone by your side who understands.

Good Luck with your hCG Diet Steak Day!

Wishing you all the success in getting over this challenge and with your hCG diet. Remember, a temporary weight gain of just a few pounds is merely a little bump in the road. If you stick to the plan, your body will adjust and the weight will stabilize again.

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