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hCG 5000 IU

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(Ovidac 5000IU or ZyhCG 5000IU brand)

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hCG 5000 IU

• 1 Vial hCG 5000 IU (Ovidac or ZyhCG brand)
• hCG Mixing Instructions

hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) is a natural polypeptide hormone created in both men and women. It is produced in large amounts during women’s pregnancy and men secrete it in large amounts during puberty. Research suggests that hCG (in very small daily doses), when administered along with the hCG Weight Loss Protocol, for up to 6 weeks per round, can cause a release of stubborn fat and improve the body’s metabolism which results in weight loss and healthy weight maintenance. The hCG Weight Loss Protocol is considered, by many, as one of the world’s most successful diets.

Thousands of people, worldwide, have had much success using the hCG Weight Loss Protocol to lose large amounts of weight in a short time while maintaining lasting results. This is the same exact hCG product that is used by doctors and weight loss clinics, worldwide, but at a much lower price.

Side Effects

hCG side effects are very rare.  Some reported side effects include: injection site pain, injection site bruising, mild headache, nausea, rash, allergic reaction. Nausea and headache symptoms are rare and will usually subside within a few days. The nausea and headaches usually occur due to the detoxification that occurs in your body due to the diet plan and only lasts a few days.  It is important to make sure you are on the correct dosage of hCG. Consult with your doctor, clinic, or coach for more information on adjustment of dose. Also, it is important to stay fully hydrated. Drink a minimum of 64 oz of water per day while administering hCG during the hCG Weight Loss Protocol.


DO NOT use hCG if you are pregnant or breast feeding. Adolescents prior to puberty, during puberty, or soon after puberty (under 21 yrs old) should not use hCG.

Do not use the medication if it has changed colors or the liquid has any particles in it. Contact your doctor or supplier for a new prescription. Store unmixed hCG at room temperature away from light, moisture, and heat. After mixing the hCG, you must keep it in the refrigerator until you are ready for your injection. Throw away any mixed medicine that you have not used within 30 days after mixin


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