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Phase 2/P2: Why and How to do the 2 Loading Days

Phase 2/P2: Why do the 2 Loading Days and How do I do them?

We get these questions often: 1) “Do I have to do the two Loading Days at the beginning of the hCG Weight Loss Plan?” and 2) “What is best way to do the Loading Days?

The answer to question #1 is YES. The two Loading Days (or Load Days) of Phase 2/P2 of the hCG Weight Loss Plan should be followed to maximize your success on the hCG Plan. You do not want to skip these two days. The Loading Days are sometimes erroneously referred to as Phase 1/P1 of the hCG Weight Loss Plan. But, in fact, and according to the Original Dr Simeons “Pounds and Inches” hCG Plan, the loading days are the first two days of Phase 2/P2. IMPORTANT: You will be doing your two Loading Days on the first two days of your hCG injections (Phase 2/P2). These are the first two days of Phase 2/P2. Plan to do loading days on a weekend, on a special occasion/holiday, or at the end of vacation where you have two full days to devote to food.

The two loading days at the start of Phase 2/P2 serve three purposes. First, it takes those two days for the hCG to build up in your system and start working. If you tried to eat only 500 calories on these first two days you could feel like you are starving or you would be hungry. Secondly, the loading days help you get through the hardest part of the diet, which is typically the first few low calorie count days as your body adjusts. If you eat a large amount on your loading days where you can’t stand the sight of food, you won’t have a problem sticking to 500 calories on the hardest part of the diet (the first several days). And, most importantly, the loading days help to re-establish a normal reserve of structural fat, which is needed to do well on the hCG Weight Loss Plan.

Best Way to do the 2 Loading Days

Here’s how to do your 2 Loading Days: On Day One of Phase 2 when you wake up, you will relieve yourself and weigh yourself (naked). This weight is your starting weight. Weighing yourself in this manner every day ensures you get your most accurate weight reading because it removes other variables that may interfere with the scale, such as clothes, sips of coffee/water, etc. Be sure to Log your weight daily on your Weight Loss Log Sheet.

Next, you will take your hCG dose (150 IU injection is typical, 15 mark on syringe). It is best to dose in the morning. You will dose in your belly 2-3 inches to the right or left of your belly button. It is good to alternate sides each day. You may find your appetite quickly leaves. Do not go by your appetite when loading. Your responsibility is to stay full of the suggested foods for 2 complete days. You will not be hungry and may be a little uncomfortable. It is always a good idea to do your loading days over a weekend or on a special occasion. Loading days are more difficult to do on a work day. Be aware that your body will be detoxing during your first several hCG injections which may cause a slight headache (you may take Aspirin for this) and possible nausea. These symptoms are rare but can occur at the start of Phase 2 of the hCG weight loss plan.

For two full days (do not start on a partial day) eat to capacity as much FATTY food as you can. It is good to eat the things that you cannot have on the Phase 2/P2 VLCD (low calorie diet), so enjoy your fun FATTY food choices. Avoid most carbohydrates like bread, cookies, rice, pasta, pretzels, etc. Here are some Loading Days ideas and suggestions:

Loading Days Food Ideas (for just 2 days, then day 3 go to VLCD foods only)

  • Bacon, sausage, ham
  • Real Butter (not margarine) on everything
  • Fried Omelets with Cheese, Meat
  • Deep-fried anything
  • Chicken Wings
  • Mexican Food
  • Pizza with extra pepperoni, sausage and cheese
  • Summer Sausage / Salami / Bologna
  • Sausages / Brats
  • Fettuccine Alfredo
  • Salmon
  • Pork Chops with BBQ Sauce
  • Ribs with BBQ Sauce
  • French Fries
  • Potato Chips
  • Pork Rinds
  • Heavy whipping cream (great in coffee and whipped and topped on cheesecake and ice cream)
  • Whole Milk or Half and half, sour cream
  • Cheese, cheese spreads, cheese dips
  • Mayonnaise
  • Any dressings
  • Olives
  • Olive Oil
  • Ice cream (Chocolate is best)
  • Cheesecake
  • Avocados
  • Peanut butter
  • Any nuts

Again, avoid most carbohydrates like bread, cookies, rice, pasta, etc. You want more FAT while you load, not too many carbs. When you are thirsty drink milk or heavy cream or coffee or tea with cream. Try not to fill up on water or soda as it is a waste of space in your stomach. Also, during these two days, put on as much lotion on as you wish. You can drench your body with lotion or oil. This will be your one last chance to moisturize your body well because the next steps of the Phase 2/P2 protocol will not allow lotions containing oils once you start the low calorie diet. On the beginning of the third day of Phase 2/P2 switch to the Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD). Beginning on day 3 and throughout the rest of Phase 2/P2 of the protocol drink a minimum of 2 liters of water (min 64 oz). And you will now use oil-free lotions, soaps, only for the rest of Phase 2/P2.

Loading Days Summary

As mentioned above, plan to do loading days on a weekend, on a special occasion/holiday, or at the end of vacation where you have two full days to devote to food. Loading is great to do while on the last two days of a vacation, or over the holidays or during a party where you plan on eating a lot anyway. Don’t worry about gaining weight during this time. Any weight gained due to loading will come off quickly and then you will continue to lose weight faster than you would have lost if you tried to do this Phase of the diet without doing your loading days first.

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