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Phase 2/P2: How do I Travel when on hCG Plan?

Phase 2/P2: How do I Travel when on hCG Plan?

We get this question a lot: How do I travel with my hCG injections? While it is best to schedule your hCG Phase 2/P2 Weight Loss Plan during a time when you are not traveling, sometimes it is unavoidable. The main thing to remember is that you need to keep the hCG refrigerated during your travel time and while you are out of town. Here are some ideas on how to do this:

1) Start with one of the following:
a) Use a small cooler made specifically for traveling with medication. Most of them can be found on Amazon. Many are TSA-approved. Here are some products to look for:
– Insulin Cooler Travel Case (for air or ground travel)
– Portable Medical Travel Cooler (for air or ground travel)
b) Portable Small Car Fridge (for ground travel)
c) Use your own small soft or hard cooler that fits in your luggage (for air or ground travel)
d) As a creative option, you can use a tall screw-top Yeti-type beverage thermos cup (or the like), with a top that is sealed, thermal, and screws on (for air or ground travel)

2) Pre-fill your syringes. Bring the number of syringes you will need plus a couple extra.

3) Leave your main hCG vial at home in your refrigerator. Do not bring your entire hCG vial with you. When you just bring pre-filled syringes, you don’t risk losing your entire batch of hCG.

4) Put frozen cold packs in your cooler. Or put ice in your thermos cup.

5) Put your pre-filled syringes in a sealed ziplock bag and insert them into cooler or thermos cup.

Air Travel: Most all airlines let you bring the small cooler, medical cooler, or thermos cup in your carry-on bag when you tell them it is medicine (it could be insulin, etc). But, check with your airline’s policies prior to your trip to get specific guidelines for transporting medication for that airline. When flying, there is usually no problem putting the medical cooler, soft cooler, or thermos cup in your checked baggage. It would be good to put the thermos cup in a soft cooler bag, as well, with cold packs, inside your luggage, to prevent it from leaking on items in your baggage.

6) Refrigerate your syringes as soon as you can when you get to your destination (in hotel refrigerator or other refrigerator). If your hotel room does not have a refrigerator, request a free refrigerator for your room. Hotels are required to give you a refrigerator at no charge if you say you have medicine that needs refrigeration.

7) Bring any extra syringes back home on your return trip the same way.


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