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B-Plex / B12 MIC Lipo Fat Burner Kit

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B-Plex / B12 MIC Lipo Fat Burner Kit

  • 1 Vial Beplex Forte Injection 11mL (Vitamin B12/B Complex/MIC)
  • 11 B-Plex MIC Injection Syringes (Thigh/Hip) – 3mL/3cc, 1″
  • 11 B-Plex MIC Injection Syringes (Arm) – 1cc, 1/2″
  • 14 Alcohol Pads
  • B-Plex MIC Lipo Injection Instructions


People who want more energy, a better sense of well-being, and/or wish to boost their hCG program weight loss will purchase the B-Plex MIC Lipo Fat Burner. The B-Plex Lipo Fat Burner can be used alone or with the hCG. The B-Plex Lipo has been reported to do 4 main things: 1) increase a sense of well-being, 2) increase energy, 3) reduce cravings,  and to 4) boost weight loss.  The B-Plex Lipo B MIC Fatburner can be an effective weight loss tool for individuals looking to shed those extra pounds. Lipotropics (MIC) are amino acids that the body produces naturally. These agents help the body effectively remove waste and toxins from the liver, assist in the breakdown of fat, and reduce the buildup of cholesterol. When used in conjunction with a low-calorie diet and moderate exercise, these enhanced B-Plex MIC Lipo Fat Burner injections can help the body rid itself of fatty deposits more efficiently, while increasing energy. In a study, two-thirds of people who used the Lipo Fatburner, in conjunction with the hCG, said that it did increase their weight loss results. Although everyone is different and can have different results.


This is a liquid vitamin B12 / B Complex M.I.C. Lipotropic Fat Burner injection with a total of 11 mL per vial. This is typically 11 doses. Typical Dosage: 1mL once or twice per week. Make sure there are 72 hours between injections. Please consult your doctor or physician for proper dose instructions.

B-Plex / B12 MIC Lipo Fat Burner Injections can increase energy and well-being, boost fat loss, and can also lower cholesterol. These injections are optionally administered alongside the hCG injections during the Simeons Weight Loss Protocol.  B-Plex MIC injections can also be administered by themselves alone to attain added energy and for better metabolism of fat in the body and to improve liver function and health. In addition, the B-Plex Lipo B MIC ingredients of are also known to reduce cravings, enhance mood and well-being, vitality, and overall health.

B-Plex MIC Lipo Fat Burner is a lipotropic fat burner that is a combination of B12, other B vitamins along with fatburner (lipotropic) amino acid compounds and nutrients (Methionine, Inisitol, Choline). Lipotropics are amino acids that the body produces naturally. These agents help the body effectively remove waste and toxins from the liver, assist in the breakdown of fat, and reduce the buildup of cholesterol. When used in conjunction with a low-calorie diet and moderate exercise, these enhanced B-Plex MIC Lipo Fat Burner injections can help the body rid itself of fatty deposits more efficiently, while increasing energy.

Aside from weight loss, there can be many benefits from the use of these injections. The injections are formulated to enhance liver function, which helps detoxify the body, increase metabolism, and store glycogen, the principal storage form of glucose. A healthy liver also secretes bile more effectively, which in turn aids in digestion and the breakdown of fats. Many weight-loss experts believe MIC + B12/B Complex injections boost the immune system by stimulating the growth of antibodies, which detect and destroy foreign and abnormal tissue.

**This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or mitigate any disease.

Ingredients (per 1 mL):

  • Methionine – 20mg
  • Inositol – 10mg
  • Choline – 20mg
  • Thiamine (Vitamin B1) – 100mg
  • Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) – 10mg
  • Niacinamide (Vitamin B3) – 100mg
  • D-Panthenol (Vitamin B5) – 10mg
  • Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) – 10mg
  • Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12) – 100mcg

Choline supports the health of the liver in its processing and excretion of chemical waste products within the body. Moreover, it is required for the transport and metabolism of fats and cholesterol within the body, which is important for the healthy support of the endocrine, cardiovascular and hepatic systems.

Methionine is one of the sulphur-containing amino acids (cysteine & cystine are others) and is important for many bodily functions. It acts as a lipotropic (fatburning) agent to prevent excess fat buildup in the liver and the body, is helpful in relieving or preventing fatigue and may be useful in some cases of allergy because it reduces histamine release. Individuals with a Sulfa (Sulfonamide) allergy should not take this injection.

Inositol, a nutrient belonging to the B vitamin complex, is closely associated with choline. It aids in the metabolism of fats and helps reduce blood cholesterol. Inositol participates in the action of serotonin, a neurotransmitter known to control mood and appetite.

B12 (Cyanocobalamin) helps with the formation of new cells in your body. Energy levels are increased, which helps you participate in more activities including exercise.

B1 (Thiamine) helps the body convert sugar into energy. It is also essential to the health of mucous membranes as well as the nervous system, cardiovascular health and the skeletal system.

B2 (Riboflavin) is essential for turning carbohydrates, protein and fat into energy for the body. It is also a key ingredient in red blood cell production, skin regeneration and vision.

B3 (Niacinamide) is essential for the health of your digestive system. It also promotes healthy skin and nervous system function. B3 has also been shown to decrease cholesterol levels.

B5 (D-Panthenol) In addition to playing a role in the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates for energy, vitamin B5 is critical to the manufacture of red blood cells, as well as sex and stress-related hormones produced in the adrenal glands, small glands that sit atop the kidneys. Vitamin B5 is also important in maintaining a healthy digestive tract, and it helps the body use other vitamins, particularly B2 or riboflavin. It is sometimes called the “anti-stress” vitamin, but there is no real evidence whether it helps the body withstand stress. The body needs pantothenic acid to synthesize cholesterol. A derivative of pantothenic acid called pantethine is being studied to see if it may help lower cholesterol levels in the body.

B6 (Pyridoxine HCL) is part of more than 100 enzymes that engage in amino acid, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, including hormones and neurotransmitters. B6 provides the added benefit of induced energy levels, which encourage a more active lifestyle.


Individuals with a sulfa (Sulfonamide) allergy should not take this B-Plex / B12 MIC Lipo injection. The Lipotropic ingredient Methionine contains sulfer.



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